Narrative & Personal Essays - Submission deadline March 30, 2025

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Are you a Black woman writer with a story to tell that’s bursting with emotion, grit, and soul? We want to hear from you!

midnight & indigo is excited to announce an open call for submissions for personal essays. We’re looking for previously unpublished, personal, and evocative first-person essays that forge an immediate connection with readers.

Personal essays offer a window into the soul, capturing the raw, unfiltered essence of individual experiences. They provide a powerful platform for Black women to share their truths, challenges, triumphs, and everything in between. We want to celebrate and showcase writing that resonates on a deep level.

Need context? Check out our previously published essays.

General Guidelines

  • Essays must meet our minimum 1,200 word count requirement.
  • We pay for all accepted pieces. Our rate is $150 for Essays accepted for publication. Rate based upon the final, edited piece. We pay upon publication.
  • Submissions should be submitted in proper manuscript format with your name, email address, and the story’s total word count on the first page. For our purposes, you do not need to include a mailing address or phone number. Click here for an example of proper manuscript format.

We accept only previously unpublished work. Responses will be provided by June 30, 2025.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.